Frequently asked questions by Expats
To buy or rent property?
Please do not hesitate to contact us on 070 – 323 01 87 or by mail:
How much can I afford to borrow?
Please do not hesitate to contact us on 070 – 323 01 87 or by mail:
Which mortgage is right for me?
Please do not hesitate to contact us on 070 – 323 01 87 or by mail:
How to make use of my redundancy payment?
Please do not hesitate to contact us on 070 – 323 01 87 or by mail:
Can I rent out my property after leaving the Netherlands?
Please do not hesitate to contact us on 070 – 323 01 87 or by mail:
Would you like more information?
Who is Peter Hans Teutenberg?
Peter Hans Teutenberg (1967) started his career in 1989 at Fortis Bank. He worked as a senior private banker at, amongst others, Staalbankiers and Van Lanschot Bankiers.
Peter Hans Teutenberg has always been interested in the field of Financial Planning. After becoming a certified financial planner (member of the Dutch Financial Planner Association FFP) in 2000 he successfully received his certificate Master of Financial Planning from the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2001.
Financial institutions as banks tend to focus more on cost reduction and an increase of the sale of financial products. In that respect the client’s interest receive less attention. Consequently, tension between the bank’s interests and the client’s interest could occur. Because of Peter Hans’ opinion that financial planning should focus primarily on the client’s interest, he started Teutenberg Financial Planning in April 2007.
Work experience:
Senior Private Banker at Van Lanschot Bankiers.
As a senior private banker you provide comprehensive advice relating to the client’s overall asset situation and financial needs. Furthermore you support less experienced colleagues and act as sounding board for the branch management.
Private Banker and Financial planner at Staalbankiers.
As a private banker you identify, develop and secure new relationships through personal and client referrals and you provide them with comprehensive advice relating to their overall asset situation and financial needs.
Consultant Financial Planning Aon Consulting.
Aon Consulting provides comprehensive advice relating to the client’s overall asset situation and financial needs. She services primarily senior management of its corporate clients and the management of management owned companies.
Mortgage specialist at ING Bank.
The mortgage specialist is responsible for the sales of mortgages through the intermediairy channel. Furthermore he supports the ING Bank branch office’s mortgage advisors.
Back office positions at the VSB Bank’s head office (mortgage services, client services) as well as advisor private wealth at VSB Bank The Hague.
How much does financial advice cost?
Our certified financial planners are experienced and qualified financial professionals. A financial planner at Teutenberg Financial Planning is paid by the hour or charges a fixed fee. As our financial planners are no longer dependent on the large financial service providers for their income, they can fully focus on providing advice that is in the best interest of their clients.
Dutch Financial Planner Association FFP
A certified financial planner stands for quality, integrity and excellence and is an experienced professional. These qualities guarantee an independent and specialised Advice.
A certified financial planner is registered with the Dutch Financial Planning association (Stichting Certificering Federatie Financiele Planners). This association serves the purpose to guarantee the quality of the registered financial planners. Only a certified financial planner can carry the title “FFP” behind his or her name.
In order to become a certified financial planner you have to meet strict standards. A financial planner needs to update his knowledge yearly through permanent education. A certified financial planner needs to behave in line with a strict Code of Practice.